Compiler 관련 링크임베디드/하드웨어 2019. 12. 15. 19:14
how compiler interpret variables 검색 결과 https://softwareengineering.stackexchange.com/questions/355059/how-are-variables-stored-in-a-language-compiler-or-interpreter How are variables stored in a language compiler or interpreter? Say we set a variable in Python. five = 5 Boom. What I'm wondering is, how is this stored? Does the compiler or interpreter just put it in a variable like so? varname = ..
C언어 고급 포인터 관련 링크임베디드/하드웨어 2019. 12. 15. 19:04
how array works in c 검색해서 나온 how do arrays work internally in c/c++ https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19370231/how-do-arrays-work-internally-in-c-c how do arrays work internally in c/c++ I was wondering how do arrays work in c. I end up with an hypothesis and I'd like to know if I am right or not. We know arrays are a sequence of adjacent memory cases(boxes), where each box has th... stackover..